Premier Data Systems, Inc.

Purchasing Plugin :: Premier Data Systems, Inc.

Purchasing Plugin

Product Highlights

  • Purchase orders
  • Items received
  • Return to mfg management

Main screen

Screen Shots



Plugin Overview

The Purchasing Plugin is used to manage all purchasing and receiving from your vendors.

Feature Description

Manage manuracturer returns
Manage the receipt of all ordered items
Create and print or email purchase orders



The Purchasing Plugin is used to manage all purchasing and receiving from your vendors.


After selecting a vendor, you simply create a purchase order showing the items to be purchased and the price that you agree to pay for each. Then you either print or email the purchase order to your vendor.


When items are received, use the purchase order manager to receive items against your purchase orders. The purchase order manager will also help manage returns and replacements.


Why purchase orders are important


Managing your purchasing in this way helps control costs. Your purchase order will show the agreed upon price that you expect to pay. When you receive invoices from your vendor you can compare the prices you’re being charged against the prices you showed on your purchase order. Purchase orders can also eliminate the possibility of being billed twice for something or for being billed for something you have not ordered.