Premier Data Systems, Inc.

Sales Lead Tracking Software :: Sales Plugin :: Premier Data Systems, Inc.

Sales Plugin

Product Highlights

  • Print on plain paper or letterhead
  • Email to prospective clients
  • Easily convert to invoices
  • Recall and modify previously written estimates

Main screen

Screen Shots



Plugin Overview

Manage your entire estimating process including drafting and sending your estimates through closing and converting to invoices.

Feature Description

Create simple estimates (similar to QuickBooks)
Convert estimates into invoices
Create, print and email estimates
Advanced estimates print on letterhead





The Shortcuts Plugin offers a unique way of attaching all documents related to each of your clients to your client’s accounts. This includes pictures, emails, spreadsheets, word documents, etc. Any type of document you wish. When you select a client’s account, you will see shortcuts for each document on the shortcut Plugin that relate to the selected client. Double clicking on any of the client’s shortcuts will display the selected document in its own window. Double click on a shortcut to a customers estimate created in MS Word, for example, would automatically load MS Word and the selected document.


To place a shortcut to a client’s document on the client’s shortcuts Plugin, simply drag and drop the document. A shortcut showing the type of document and the name of the document will automatically appear. The next time you select the client’s account, you will see the shortcut for the client’s document you had placed.